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My name is Alana. Welcome to my website Vault Rush!

I have been learning Graphic Design since 1996. Web Design since 2001 and WordPress and Internet Marketing since 2009.

For the last five years I have been working online and offering a range of services on various Freelance platforms.

Since the pandemic started, millions of people have lost their jobs and the question I’ve seen the most over the past months is “How do I make money online?”

Although, my workload was somewhat affected, I was fortunate to still have some money coming in.

I felt the need to share some of my knowledge to help others get started making money online as well. So, I created this website for that purpose.

On Vault Rush you will find original, curated content, tools and resources to help you in your journey to making an income online.

I love seeing others succeed.

Feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. I look forward to reading them!