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Steve's Bull Run Plan - 5 Day Masterclass Review

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.


If I had to describe this masterclass in
one word (or two), it would be “Game-Changing!”

My Honest Review

I want to preface my review by expressing my initial hesitation when I first saw that Steve Courtney of Crypto Crew University was putting out a new masterclass, I was on the fence for almost a week before I decided to take the plunge. Being a naturally skeptical person, I scrutinize every investment opportunity that I come across. And let me tell you, diving into Steve Courtney’s Crypto course was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my crypto investment journey. If it weren’t for his class, I would have continued to hold on to useless altcoins and keep making the same mistakes that I did from the last bull-run cycle.

I gauge the value/price of these types of courses on whether or not I think I will be able to make my money back in the future from the knowledge I gain. I can now confidently say I will indeed make my money back and then some for as long as the crypto market exists.

After watching the videos in this class, I have a clear understanding and plan on how I’m going to be investing my money in this bear market and the upcoming bull cycle. Remarkably, Steve’s insights also extend beyond crypto by offering valuable applications to other financial avenues such as stocks and forex.

Steve has a true gift of analysis and he really knows his stuff. After all, he’s been doing it for 20+ years. The valuable information he puts forth is nothing I have ever come across from others on YouTube and I’ve watched hundreds of videos on the subject.

If you know of other good channels in the field, please do share because I’m a sucker for life-changing knowledge! In my opinion, the insights he provides are invaluable, offering lasting value both now and for the foreseeable future.

I feel extremely fortunate and blessed to have found his channel just in time when I needed it most. He really is a gem in this crypto space and his YouTube channel is now one of my favorites to obtain crypto information.

Steve Courtney, as an individual is also an extremely generous person and I can tell he really wants his students to succeed. He has given out so many free golden nuggets to his YouTube audience and in my opinion he deserves all the good that comes his way.

In the 5-Day Crypto Masterclass, some of the things he teaches you is how to “focus down” your crypto portfolio, analyze for good coins, and where to start dollar-cost averaging. He also shares some of his favorite crypto coins, NFTs, and stock picks. His teaching style is easy to understand, concise, and to the point (which has been great for my scatterbrain).

Ok, now with all this newfound knowledge I’ve discovered lately, I’m off to meticulously analyze my coin selection and brace myself for the crypto rollercoaster ahead.

To those on the fence, if this review provides even an ounce of clarity or nudges you towards a decision, and you choose to enroll in the masterclass, I’d truly appreciate it if you considered using my referral link: Steve’s Bull Run Plan, 5-Day Masterclass

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or leave me a comment. I wish you all the best on your crypto journey whatever you may decide!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.


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